diane1.txt THE PERILS OF DIANE Diane stood 6'2", 145 pounds, and all of it was in the right places. Large enough tits to be properly played with, slim waist, hips wide enough to be ridden wildly. She stood out in that crowd of uninhibited bar patrons. Both Jeff and Carl saw her at the same time. "Now there is one lady I would like to have tied to my bed." said Carl. "Your bed, my ass. I've got a greek cross that needs her more. Can't you just see that young, firm body, stretched out and sweating. Waiting for the next lash of my whip, or maybe a shock to her juicy cunt from the cattle prod. Damn I've got to get her spread. " "Jeff, maybe we could share her. Have you seen her talking to any of the guys around here?" "Nope. She's with that table of pusses. I think I will go ask her to dance, and see what happens." Jeff got up and walked over to Diane. "Excuse me, Would you like to dance." "Sure." "My name is Jeff Atkins, whats yours?" "Diane Williams." They went on out to the dance floor, and danced. After the dance, Jeff introduced her to Carl, and bought her a drink. Through out the evening they danced several times. As the bar was about to close, Jeff asked if he could drive her home, and the invitation was accepted. Carl took his own car home, after saying goodnight. Once out in the parking lot, and in Jeff's car, Diane began to kiss and nibble his ear. Jeff was hot enough just from the thoughts he had been thinking all evening. Soon her blouse was open, and her tits were free. Jeff had presence of mind to calm things down enough to get her to his home in the country. Once inside, he got her into the bedroom, undressed, and into bed. Stripping himself, he just about dove in bed with her. It was like a wrestling match between them. Hands all over each other, lips the same. His dick in her mouth, cunt and ass. Minute after minute, hour after hour. The two sweating bodies rubbed, and rolled together. At around seven in the morning they fell asleep. The next morning, or rather afternoon, Jeff was the first to wake. After getting out of bed, he got a pair of his handcuffs and put them on her wrists, behind her back, then tied her ankles. The next thing was to shower, shave and get some coffee. He started the coffee first, then got into the shower after looking in on the still sleeping beauty. "HEY. What the hell is going on? Jeff where are you? " Screamed Diane. Jeff strolled into the bedroom with his cup of coffee. "Well you finally woke up. Good. I just didn't want you to leave while I was in the shower. And I have plans for you today. Or should I say, I have plans for your tits, and your cunt. I don't think that you would volunteer for what I have in mind, so I restricted your movements." "Just what do you have in mind? I mean I came home with you. I love the way you fucked me, and ate me. I loved sucking every inch of your cock. What wouldn't I like. Untie me you son-of-a-bitch." "Now, now you dumb cunt. I happen to be a master of sexual pain, and I plan to torment your tits and pussy for my pleasure. Would you 'allow' me to stick needles in your tits and the lips of your pussy? I think not. Would you allow me to use a whip on your lovely ass or your tits. I also plan to use a new electrical device to stimulate the flow of juice in your cunt. Now tell me the truth, would you 'allow' me to take these liberties with you?" "Hell no, and I am going to fight you all the way. How do you think you are going to get away with these things? You've kidnaped me for sex. And you are going to torture me. You will go to jail for this..." "I really don't think so. When I'm done with you today, you are going to be begging for more. Pleading for me to lash your cunt and tits. Crying for the bite of my cane across your ass. Yes, believe it, you will." Jeff scooped her up and took her first to the bathroom, and set her on the pot. She fought him every inch of the way, but once there, she did her job. He used a hot, moist rag to wash her off very roughly, then once again scooped her up and carried her to the basement. When the lights came on, she saw what was waiting for her. It looked like a modern version of a torture chamber in a castle somewhere in old Europe. Across the room was a huge 'greek cross', a large wooden 'x' made from two pieces of wood measuring 12" by 12". The top was held in place by a rope to each of the tops. These ropes ran through pulleys, and then to a cleat. On each of the four ends were hooks, used to hold whatever. Jeff dropped on a chair long enough to get four sheepskin cuffs for her wrists, and ankles. There were metal rings set in these cuffs, and they locked into place. Again he picked her up and took her to the 'x'. There he untied her ankles and quickly slipped the rings onto the hooks that would hold her legs wide apart. Next he unlocked the handcuff from her left wrist, and refastened it to a deadeye. Taking the left arm and stretching it upward, it too was fastened to a hook. He repeated the process with the right arm. Stepping back to admire his new toy, he moved a lever which lowered the area beneath her feet and left her suspended in place. "My dear." He said. "I'll make you a bet, that within four hours you will be begging me to keep you for my pleasure. But first things first. I promised you that I would stick needles in your tits and the lips of your pussy. The idea is twofold, first to give me pleasure in hearing you scream, and second to sensitize them for use later." He crossed the room and took out a tin box, and opened it so that she could see the contents. There were many needles, all were thin and of different lengths. Taking one that was about three inches long, he approached her. He bent forward and kissed a spot on her left tit, just above the nipple. Then he pinched the flesh there and ran the needle just under the skin. Diane screamed loudly, and he told her to scream as much as she cared to, no one would hear her. Within the next fifteen minutes he planted a dozen needles in her tits, and five in the lips of her cunt. She had screamed herself hoarse, and had started to sweat heavily. Tears streamed down her face, and Jeff only laughed at her. Jeff left the area for a moment, returning he had a rubber sheet that had long, large dowel rods at each corner. He set it up between her legs. "This will catch any 'accident' you have while I go an get my new toy. In the mean time I want you to enjoy the new feelings in your cunt and tits. The pain will go away, but I want you to relate it to the pleasure that you will feel later." He left the room, and a second later the lights went out. There was still enough light to see dimly. As she looked around, trying to find something to take her mind from the burning she felt. Off in one corner were a number of coat hooks, with bras and panties on them. Over each was what she thought were photographs, but she wasn't sure, since she couldn't see that well. Next to them was a stock, like the one she had seen in old pictures of the pilgrims. There were many things she did not recognize, and didn't care to think about their use. The minutes seemed like hours. Soon, in spite of the lingering pain, she felt sleepy. She began nodding off. All of a sudden she felt as if she had to relive herself. Dare she just go, or would he be mad and add to her pain. Then she realized that the pain had passed. Had he come down while she was asleep and removed the needles. As she looked down at herself, she discovered that they were still there. She was amazed that she felt no pain from them. Then lights came on, and Jeff reappeared. He was carrying a metal box that had electrical cords coming from it. Without a word he set it down on the floor, and removed the rubber sheet. Jeff just looked at her for a long moment. "Well my dear, I see that you didn't soil yourself, you will shortly. I'm going to attached these wires to you. One for each tit, and one for your asshole, and the last for your pussy. Then I'm going to plug it in. When I start the machine it will randomly send a shock to your body through one of those wires. The shock will become stronger as time passes. All you have to do to stop it is to tell me that you want to become my slave, and beg me to use your body for my pleasure. You will have to sign a contract with me." "Like hell I will. I'll never be your slave, never." "OK, have it your way. I enjoy watching a female body jerk as the shocks hit. The tits bounce, and your juice starts to flow in your cunt. Soon all you will be able to think about is being released from the pain, and getting your cunt fucked." Quickly he attached the wires to her nipples. The wires for ass and cunt were attached to what looked like metal dildo, and put in place. "One last chance, you dumb bitch. Quickly!!!!" "Fuck you, you son-of-a-bitch." He smiled as he flipped the switch, and sat in a overstuffed chair to watch. Nothing happened. Diane had tensed herself for the pain, but nothing came. She relaxed. Z A P.... The shock hit her cunt, her body jumped as best it could being suspended as she was. Z A P.... A second shock hit her right tit. AH H H H H H Oh hhhhhh.....A third hit, then a forth, and fifth. They were getting stronger. Damn the pain. God, she thought. Enough. Enough.... Yes ... "STOP. STOP. PLEASE STOP.... YES I'll... AH H H H H H Oh hhhhhh..... be your slave. Oh God please... stop... AH H H H H H Oh hhhhhh..... " Jeff took his time getting up from his chair, and turning off the device. "You see my dear, I told you that you would beg me." Diane just hung there. Jeff removed the wires and needles. Taking her down from the 'x', he lay her limp body on floor. "When you have the strength, go to the bathroom. It's over there behind that curtain. Then take a shower, and put the lotion on the shelf all over your body." He turned around and started to put away the toys. Diane slowly got up and went as she had been directed. When she had finished, she returned as directed. "Kneel bitch. Kneel before your MASTER. Beg me for the contract, so that you may enter my service as the slave you are." "Yes Master, yes. Please let me sign it. You can have me any way you want. I'll do anything you say, everything you say..." "Will you suck pussy, if I order it?" Diane did not answer quickly. Jeff reached out and slapped her face. "Answer me bitch. Now." "Yes. Yes. Anything you desire, anything." "Then sign this with your thumbprint in blood." He handed her the contract, and a pin to prick her finger. She took them, and then drew blood with the pin, and put the bloody thumbprint on the contract. "Your first task is to go out and find a young girl between fourteen and seventeen. She must have nice tits and a nice shape. You will bring her back here, get her to strip and to strip you. Then you are to give her face. You won't see me, but I'll be watching. If you can get her to go down on you, I'll come in and fuck her, when your done. Now go." Diane had been gone for a couple of hours. Then Jeff heard a car in the driveway. Looking out window he saw a young lady with Diane. She was about four foot, eight, long blonde hair, blue eyes, and a very nice body. They got out of the car, and started up the walk to the house. Jeff entered his hiding place that allowed him to see the living room and the bedroom without moving. The females entered the livingroom... "Nancy, you have a very nice shape. Would you mind if I looked at it? I mean would you take your clothes off, and let me see you?" "Are we alone? I don't mind at all, but I don't want anyone else to see me. They may think something dirty, and I know that it really isn't." "No there is noone except you and I here. Would you want me to take my clothes off too. Anyway it is hot, and it would be more comfortable." "Yea. Yes, you take your clothes off too. I would feel better about this then." "Nancy, why don't you take my clothes off, then I'll take yours off. OK?" "Sure. OK. Go ahead and take my clothes off first." Diane started to unbutton Nancy's blouse. Quickly they came undone. Opening it, revealed a skimpy bra holding a nice set of young tits. The blouse fell to the floor, as Diane reach around Nancy to undo her bra. Being this close, Diane lightly kissed Nancy, then dropped the bra on top of the blouse. Nancys tits were indeed fine. The nipple were standing up. This had to be a sign of excitement, as there was no cold air. Diane opened Nancy's shorts, and dropped them, pushing her panties down too. Nancy's cunt was barely covered with hair. The lips were tinted with a light pink. Dianes fingers touched Nancys cunt lips lightly, and Nancy shivered. "OK, your turn. Wow, your body is beautiful." Nancy was faster than Diane, in removing clothes. And after dropping Diane's panties, she stood, and her lips touched Dianes nipples. Just ever so quickly she licked those nipples. Diane embraced Nancy, and planted a full french kiss on her. Nancy responded, with an unexpected abandon. Before long they lay on the couch, each had fingers in the pussy of the other. There tits rubbed together. Slowly Nancy, began to kiss her way down Diane's body, until her tongue parted her pussy lips, and began to lick her deeply. Moaning from both the girls filled the room as Diane moved Nancy's cunt to her own lips and began to probe deeply on her own. Jeff had taken his cock out and had started to stroke himself. "This was no good." He thought. He dropped his clothes off, and went into the livingroom. The girls did not see him as he came up behind them. With one hand he moved Diane's head out of the way, as the other guided his cock into Nancy's pussy. Nancy let out a deep heavy moan, and continued to burrow into Diane. Jeff's body moved gracefully in and out of Nancy, and Diane's only option was to lick Jeff's dick as it traveled in and out. She had the thrill of tasting both Jeff and Nancy at the same time. Within moments Diane stiffened. She grabbed Jeff's body, and sucked hard on his balls, as her cunt let go with her juices. Nancy lapped them up as if she was dying of thirst. Jeff began to bang harder into her pussy. Nancy had realized she was being fucked, but the feeling was so good she didn't want it to stop. She didn't even know what the guy looked like, but his cock felt good. It was hot, very hot, and hard. Her mom had told her that it would hurt, and she shouldn't ever do it, unless her husband insisted on it. She wanted more. What was this feeling starting now. It felt like she itched liked crazy, and she was going to explode. Then there was something very hot coming into her cunt. Hotter than the man's dick. He was moaning now. OH GOD.... she felt the itching stop, and a wonderful feeling of relaxation. The man was now taking his cock out of her. Then... "Here, girl. Lick this off." He held his cock to her mouth. The head of it touched her lips. What a taste. OH that's good. She sucked his dick into her mouth, and her tounge began to lick. The action delayed the shrinking, but did not stop it. He pulled it from her mouth. "Well Nancy, you are going to be a very good lay. How old are you?" "I'm just shy of seventeen. I thought we were alone, where did you come from? Who are you?" "I'm the master here, and Diane is a slave of mine. You were a test for her, and she did well. Very well indeed. Later you will help me administer some justice to her, at the wall but for now I want you two to take a shower and get cleaned up. Leave me some hot water." They went off, hand in hand, to get cleaned up. Jeff brought out 'the wall'. It was two feet thick, two inches thick, and eighteen inches high. Its use would soon be all too apparent, at least to Diane. The girls came out of the shower with towels wrapped themselves. "Well, you two look good. How about something to eat, before we continue with the games. Nancy, I think that you are going to help me get a point across to Diane. But for now eat, and just think of the good things to come." They ate, then back into the living room. Jeff sat on the sofa, and had Nancy sit on his lap. "Diane, I want you to kneel on the floor, with your knees next to the wall, and drape your body over it. Your hips should be just about even with the top of it. Then lay your head and shoulders on the pillow on the floor. Diane did as she was told. "OK, Nancy, I want you to sit on Diane's back, facing her ass. Then hold the cheeks of her ass apart. And as far apart as you can." Nancy straddled Dianes back, and parted the cheeks. Jeff positioned himself behind Diane, his cock at full staff. He pointed it directly at her asshole, barely touching it with the engorged head of it. Just at that moment, it dawned on Diane that he intended to fuck her ass. She tried to move, but with Nancy on her back, and Jeff at her backside, she couldn't move. She had never been fucked in her ass, but friends of hers had told her of the pain, after they had. Not one of them had really enjoyed it, now it was going to happen to her. Taking firm hold of Diane's hips, Jeff pulled himself into her, The tightness of her ass felt good to him, but the same thing caused Diane to scream, as his cock drilled into her. Nancy was fascinated by what she was seeing. Up to now, her only sexual experience was masturbation, and the time Jimmy had tried to fuck her. Jimmy had gotten his dick into her, but really didn't know what to do then, and so had pulled out, and she had sucked him off. Jeff started to move in and out of this fine ass, soon he was moving freely. Letting go of Diane's hips, he took hold of Nancy's shoulders and pulled her toward him. He kissed her on her lips, as he embraced her, stroking Diane all the time. Jeff reached down, and took a nipple of Nancy's between his thumb and forefinger, and gently rolled it. Then he pulled on it roughly. He continued to fuck Diane, and kissing Nancy. In and out, in and out, again, and again, the pressure, yes it was building...... "Nancy, spank her ass as hard as you can. I'm coming, I'm.... coming......" Nancy struck hard on Diane's ass, once, twice, a third time. Nancy spanked, and Jeff fucked, poor Diane. Too much. Too much. Ah hhhhhh Oh ohhhh. He dumped his load into her. He was spent. Nancy continued to spank, but he was done. He stopped the spankings, and withdrew his now limp cock from its' tight prison... It was time to rest, at least for a little while.